
Hey, you. Yes, you. I don’t know how you might have stumbled on the far corner of the internet which houses my blog, but, since you’re here, you might as well stop and smell the roses. I’m Bhas, your friendly neighborhood college student trying to make it by. Just some background, I’m a junior at the University of Maryland, and I’m majoring in math (you can imagine how much fun that is). I love dancing, I’m actually the captain of an Indian dance team here on campus, called bhangra, and besides that, I love going to the gym and playing more or less any sport when I have the free time. Of course, between dancing and lifting, I work up quite an appetite. And there lies the problem. Don’t get it? I’m a junior, living in an apartment, which means I’m off the meal plan. At first it felt like a blessing, but I soon realized that I was out of the frying pan and into the fire ( forgive me, but if I’m going to have a food blog, I’m going to make food puns, goddammit). For the first time, I actually have to cook for myself, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. More so, I’m going through that phase everyone going through where they decide that they’re finally going to take control of their diet and eat healthy. Bad timing, I know. Well there you have it, this blog will be about me as I sift my way through Food Network recipes and Livestrong articles, looking for the ideal blend that works for me. There will be trial, there will be hardship, but hopefully by the end of it all, I will have learned something new. And who knows, you might too! If not though, you might as well at least stick around for the pretty stock photos.


Restaurant Review Preparatory Post

In order to prepare for my own restaurant review, I took the liberty of browsing the internet to explore styles with which different critics review restaurants. In specific, I was looking for the presence of a “story” in the review, as that’s something Professor Thomas specifically requested, and an idea that I couldn’t really grasp. In my mind, criticism was supposed to be cold an evaluative, so that it doesn’t seem biased. However, after skimming a few brief articles on NY times, I began to see the other side. While most critics didn’t really bring a full story to their review, they were able to paint an apt enough picture to put allow the reader to live the experience, to at least some degree. This came primarily through the employment of background information, and setting the scene during which the restaurant was visited. Those two things alone put the whole dining experience in perspective. It enables them to review the restaurant as a whole, rather than just the food itself, and I will be sure to include them in my own review

Meal Prep Update: Not Working

Today, I bring with me the disappointing news that my meal prep efforts have been less than successful. In all honestly, it’s been failing for a reasonable amount of time, but it’s just recently that I’m willing to admit it. There’s a few different reasons for this. Sometimes, I’m too lazy to cook both lunch and dinner meals for the upcoming days, so I’ll just cook one, despite buying the ingredients for more. I also will often times skip breakfast (just because I wake up) , which results in me grabbing an early lunch at stamp in between classes, and that kind of throws off both meals. What’s more disappointing than any of this is the amount of food I waste because I usually buy enough food to cook for the whole upcoming week. I’m still spending less money on food than I would be on the meal plan, but I know I can be more economical and also eat healthier food. My new plan is to buy enough groceries to meal prep for one meal a day and build up to consistent meal prepping.